Since 1999, our company has been providing the finest service in the Northwest. We strive to establish strong relationships with our clients and work hard to exceed your expectations.

Whether you are a current client or a future one, you deserve the best and we are here to serve.

Bark, Mulch, Soil and Gravel

Safeway landscaping completed by SureLawn

Bark / Mulch

Bark and mulch have always been a way to instantly add beauty to any landscape. More importantly, they suppress weed growth and protect roots from the heat of summer and cold of winter.

quality soil will enhance your beds


A well-balanced soil is important whether you are planting flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs.

the right gravel pick is important


From time to time, our clients have asked for help filling in potholes in the driveway, replenishing gravel edging or adding to their dry streambed.

the right gravel pick is important

Wood Chips

Sliver free grade cedar wood chips work great for playgrounds and pathways